C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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Another volume of related interest:
CUG Volume: DDJ#1 -- Doctor Dobb's Journal collection volume #1:
"C/Unix Programmer's Notebook" for 9/83 - 9/84
by Anthony Skjellum.
Volume in drive B is CUG-DDJ#1
Directory of B:\
Filename Size Date Time Brief description
-------- ---- ---- ---- -----------------
SEP83COL DDJ 10624 7-24-84 9:17a C/Unix Column Sep., 1983
SEP83TAB I 6528 7-24-84 9:18a Table I.
APR84COL DDJ 18432 1-29-84 11:07p C/Unix Column Apr., 1984
AUG84COL DDJ 16896 5-31-84 9:43a C/Unix Column Aug., 1984
SEP84COL DDJ 21120 6-25-84 9:53p C/Unix Column Sep., 1984
DEC83COL DDJ 15360 9-26-83 8:26a C/Unix Column Dec., 1983
FEB84COL DDJ 19712 11-25-83 1:25p C/Unix Column Feb., 1984
JUN84COL DDJ 15616 3-28-84 2:30p C/Unix Column Jun., 1984
LSUP C 2176 3-25-84 7:24p {
ENV C 2176 3-26-84 7:21p {
LSUP H 128 3-25-84 5:08p { long pointer package
_LSUP H 1408 3-25-84 4:15p { discussed in June, 1984
ENV EXE 5696 3-26-84 7:22p { column (currently works
LLSUP ASM 4864 3-28-84 1:27p { with Aztec C 1.05i)
LLINT ASM 8192 3-28-84 1:29p {
CUG-DDJ 001 1408 7-24-84 9:41a This listing
README CUG 1152 7-24-84 9:37a Useful background information
The files on this disk are the first year's collection of "C/Unix
Programmer's Notebook" columns which were written by Anthony
Skjellum. They appeared in the September, 1983 through September,
1984 DDJ issues. Importantly, this also marks the introduction of the
first C Users Group DDJ collection volume.
The text files (.DDJ) were written with Wordstar. Anyone
lacking this program will need to reset bit 7 of each
byte in the files so that they can be viewed correctly
on any system.
Address of Doctor Dobb's Journal:
M & T Publishing, Inc.
2464 Embarcadero
Palo Alto, CA 94303
(415) 424-0600
Author of this volume:
Anthony Skjellum
% Pyramid Systems, Inc.
1695 Shenandoah Rd.
San Marino, CA 91108
Copyright notice:
All the material on this disk is Copyright 1983, 1984 (c)
Pyramid Systems, Inc. It may be distributed freely but it may not be
sold or used for commercial purposes without the written permission
of Pyramid Systems, Inc.